As of 11.25.21 - Please use the LAMS materials and survey link on the LAMS training page
The protocol update includes two trainings - 2020 Protocol Updates, and LAMS
The protocol update must be completed by all Snohomish County EMS Providers by 9/30/2020.
To complete the protocol update you must participate in a 2020 Protocol Update and a LAMS training with your agency and take a Survey of Learning (SOL) on LAMS as well as the Protocol Update for your certification level. To receive credit for completing the 2020 Protocol Update you must have a passing score on the LAMS SOL and the ALS or BLS Protocol Update SOL. Scores for the SOL will be released by the SCEMS office periodically.
LAMS Survey of Learning
2020 Protocol Update - BLS - Survey of Learning
2020 Protocol Update - ALS - Survey of Learning
The protocol checklists are attached.
The BLS Cancelling ALS Checklists are new checklists for this year. Please incorporate them into your materials
The SCEMS version has quicklinks from the coverpage to the topics.
The SCF version is the version that has been prepped for printing by Amanda Thompson at South County Fire. (It does not include the BLS Cancelling ALS checklists). Pacific Copy and Print in Everett (Neva Alf 425-252-5898) has the file and can add your logo to the document.
If you have questions or feedback please contact Kelly Fox